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JAKA TARUB (A Fractured Fairy Tale)

  One day there lived a young man named Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub lived alone in a house on the edge of town. Every day, he spent his time play...


One day there lived a young man named Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub lived alone in a house on the edge of town. Every day, he spent his time playing. One day Jaka felt bored playing alone at home "Ah, I'd better play in the field. It must be more crowded there, and there are many people playing too." said Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub went straight to the field. Sure enough, the place was very crowded. 

Without wasting time, Jaka Tarub immediately joined and played soccer with his friend. Suddenly, Jaka Tarub was surprised by the sound of a girl who was also playing on the field. Out of curiosity, Jaka Tarub looked for the voice. "Who is that girl? They are so beautiful like angels, if only I could marry one of them." Jaka Tarub said to himself, feeling amazed. Yes! They were college girls. Jaka Tarub watched the seven girls from a distance, and he had an idea to steal one of the girls' laptops by hiring a clown. 

Jaka Tarub told the clown to take the laptop from one of the girls, but secretly so as not to get caught. The clown approached the girls while singing a song, after singing the clown asked the girls "Are you students? What major are you studying?" One of the girls answered "I took the wrong major sir, I thought my major was easy, it turns out that hopefully I can survive." The clown and the other girls laughed at that. While asking questions, the clown took one of the girls' laptops and succeeded. After that the clown continued his journey back. 

It was getting late, it seemed that the girls had finished playing. "The time is fast, it's late afternoon we have to go back to campus." said the oldest girl. They prepared to return to campus. However, one of the girls looked confused. She was looking for something. "My laptop is missing, guys. I can't go back to campus without it." said the girl who lost her laptop. She looked panicked. "We can't wait here until nightfall. There won't be any taxis passing by." said another girl. Finally, the six girls left the girl who lost her laptop alone.

She looked very sad. Jaka Tarub approached the girl. "Hi, girl. What's your name? Why are you sad?" asked Jaka Tarub. "My name is Nawang Wulan. I'm sad because I can't go back home." replied Nawang Wulan. "Are you a student?" asked Jaka Tarub again. Nawang Wulan nodded. Jaka Tarub took Nawang Wulan to his house. Not knowing where else to live, Nawang Wulan accepted Jaka Tarub's invitation. Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan finally got married. They lived happily.

Many months passed. When Nawang Wulan was taking rice to cook, she touched something. Nawang Wulan was surprised to find that the thing she touched was her laptop. "Isn't this my laptop?" said Nawang Wulan as she picked up the laptop. Sure enough, it was her laptop. At the same time, Jaka Tarub arrived. Seeing Nawang Wulan had found her laptop, Jaka Tarub apologized to Nawang Wulan. "I'm sorry Wulan, I regret what I did, I still love you very much."

"Why did you do this to me Tarub, what exactly is my fault?" said Nawang Wulan. "It's all my fault, I was blinded by love to steal your laptop." replied Jaka Tarub. "When did you take my laptop?" asked Nawang Wulan. "Actually, I hired a clown to steal your laptop," replied Jaka Tarub. "So the time clown was hired by you?" asked Wulan curiously. "Yes, Wulan, I regret what I did, please don't leave me Wulan." 

Hearing that Jaka Tarub regretted his actions and was telling the truth, Nawang Wulan forgave him and they continued to live together. 

Hai perkenalkan nama saya Alya Fadia Majid/02 dari 10 RPL 1. Hari ini saya sedang belajar tentang informatika disekolah. tentang apa itu informatika, tujuan, manfaat untuk kehidupan dan ruang lingkupnya. Berikut ini materi yang saya pelajari.

Apa sih informatika itu? Menurut Wikipedia Informatika merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari penggunaan komputer untuk mengatur dan menganalisis data yang berukuran besar, baik data maupun informasi pada mesin berbasis komputasi. Informatika juga erat dengan teknologi yang berhubungan dengan komputasi (perhitungan) dengan mesin. Biasanya hal yang terkait dengan informatika adalah teknologi informasi yaitu hal yang berhubungan dengan komputer, internet, pemrograman, dll. Informatika didefinisikan sebagai gabungan berbagai bidang akademik yang menyediakan kaitan antara berbagai disiplin ilmu dengan perspektif serta metodologinya sendiri untuk pengembangan teori dan aplikasi praktis. 

Nah, setelah kalian mengetahui apa itu informatika kalian juga harus tau tujuan dari informatika. Apa sih tujuan pembelajaran informatika? Tujuan pembelajaran Informatika adalah untuk mendukung kemampuan peserta didik dalam mengekspresikan kemampuan berpikir secara terstruktur dan pemahaman aspek sintaksis maupun semantik dalam Bahasa, membentuk kebiasaan peserta didik untuk berpikir logistik dalam Matematika, serta kemampuan menganalisis dan menginterpretasi data dalam Sains. Dengan penguasaan teknologi yang dipelajari didukung kemampuan komputerisasi, diharapkan meningkatkan nilai jual peserta didik bagi perusahaan dan mampu bersaing didunia nyata yang penuh tantangan. 

Selain memiliki tujuan, informatika juga memiliki manfaat bagi kita. Apa sih manfaat dari informatika? Informasi juga memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan salah satu peserta didik dapat memanfaatkan pentingnya teknologi untuk menunjang produktifitasnya selama belajar disekolah, mengembangkan kemampuan belajar berbasis TIK, sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat lebih optimal, menarik, dan mendorong kita lebih terampil berkomunikasi, terampil mengorganisasikan informasi, dan terbiasa memahami . 

Informatika juga memiliki ruang lingkup. Apa saja sih ruang lingkup informatika? Menurut Wikipedia dalam ruang lingkup yang lebih luas, informasi tersebut mencakup beberapa aspek diantaranya ada teori informasi, yang mempelajari konsep matematis dari suatu informasi. Ilmu informasi, yang mempelajari tentang cara pengumpulan, klasifikasi informasi, penyimpanan, pengaksesan, dan penyebarluasan untuk keperluan sosial dan kemasyarakatan secara menyeluruh. Ilmu komputer dan teknik komputer, yang mempelajari tentang penyebaran, pengarsipan, dan informasi dengan menggunakan teknologi dan pemrograman yang berbasis komputer. Sistem informasi, yang mempelajari teknik pengembangan suatu sistem untuk mengolah berbagai macam informasi yang ada. Keamanan informasi ilmu yang mempelajari tentang proses melindungi dan melindungi data yang ada pada sistem atau komputer. Informatika sosial, yang mengkaji aspek sosial dari TIK dalam perubahan sosial dan organisasi, penggunaan teknologi dalam konteks sosial, dan kelembagaan teknologi yang dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan sosial dan praktik-praktik sosial/kemasyarakatan.